Cybernetic SwordThese powerful high tech swords were created by the National Alliance, they were developed for the quicker and more agile soldiers. The Cybernetic sword has a recall hilt that carries a switch which powers the energy cells forming a strong electrical field inside the swords blade this allows it to serve as a weapon and can even enable the sword to deflect incoming bullets.
Cybernetic HammerThis cybernetic weapon was developed by the National Alliance to destroy heavily armored vehicles more efficently it is diffrent between its cousins the Cybernetic sword and staff because the hammers head stores massive amounts of electrical energy, whenever the cybernetic hammer is slammed into the ground it creates a massive impact strong enough to destroy an armored hummer in a matter of seconds, however the downside is the weight of the hammer this is why it is not used as much as its cousins.
Cybernetic StaffThe cybernetic staff was a prototype of the Cybernetic sword, the two weapons are very similiar and just as light, however an advantage point for the cybernetic staff is that on its two ends it carries a powerful electrical field this allows attacks from the front and behind and since the staff is just as light as the sword the wielder can move around as if they are carrying nothing. The staff stores a powerful electrical field inside itself howver as stated above the electrical field comes out on both ends., like the cybernetic sword the cybernetic staff has a button to activate the electrical field.
Cybernetic DaggersCybernetic Daggers fall under the same catagory as Cybernetic Swords accept for a few reasons, first Cybernetic Daggers are used for close combat and are not very reliable when attempting to deflect incoming fire, next the Cybernetic daggers have a hilt and around their blade is an electrical field that is activated when the small button on the hilt is pushed, lastly Soldiers like to combine modern day weapons with daggers and it has been recommended not to carry them if you plan on using them as a Cybernetic Sword, they are also used as throwing knives and have proved to be efficent in this way.
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